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The Intersection of Personality & Interpreting (Thank You Workshop)


Interpreting is the facilitation of other people’s communication exchanges. Yet, how much of the interpreter’s personality governs that facilitation? How does personality influence the interpreter’s decision-making choices? Can personality be leveraged by the interpreter for a better product? Better interaction among participants?



Answer these questions by exploring personality and its influence on the work of interpreters both generally and personally. For this discussion group, you will

  • Take the DISC and the Myers Briggs personality tests to identify and compare your personality results,

  • Read Kurz, Maroski, and Talbott’s (2021) The DISC Personal Profiles of Emerging Sign Language Interpreters article, and

  • Participate in a group discussion with other interpreters.


The Intersection of Personality & Interpreting is an article discussion facilitated by Amy Kroll. This interactive discussion is for working and student interpreters.


By the end of this book discussion, you will be able to...

  • Define personality traits from the DISC and Myer Briggs personality tests

  • Compare personality traits between the DISC and Myer Briggs personality tests

  • Explain how personality influences the collective work of interpreters

  • Identify personality traits that benefit and challenge the personal work of interpreter and discuss the resulting impacts


CEUs & Time Commitment


Amy Kroll is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for continuing education activities. This Professional Studies (PS) program is offered for 0.4 PS CEUs at the Little/None Content Knowledge Level.


You should plan on 2.0 hours of reading, taking two personality tests, and reflection in preparation of the discussions and 3 hours of group interactions. 



Dates & Location


This article discussion starts on January 21, 2023 (Saturday) with independent preparation occurring no later than January 27, 2023 (Friday).


The group meeting is either January 28th (Saturday) from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM MST or January 29th (Sunday) from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM MST. Attend only one group meeting.




This is a free article discussion. Online links to the article and personality tests will be provided.




Submit your registration form by January 18, 2023. Registration is limited to 7 participants per group meeting.


Requests for reasonable accommodations can be made on the registration form. 


Referral Program


Refer a co-worker and earn a $10 discount on a future CEU fee. Your co-worker will need to provide your name on the registration form.


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