That Little Voice In Your Head
Have you wanted to silence that little voice in your head? Fire the whole committee?
This voice/committee is self-talk. Self-talk typically focuses on the negative, which affects how you show up and face each day, down to each moment. As interpreters, how we feel and think about ourselves and our work influences our product and our connections with Deaf consumers. Let’s identify and change our thought processes. Let’s find and amplify our positive inner voice!
For this discussion group, you will
Read Mo Gawdat’s (2022) That Little Voice In Your Head: Adjust the Code that Runs Your Brains, and
Participate in group discussions with other interpreters.
That Little Voice in Your Head is a book discussion facilitated by Amy Kroll. This interactive discussion is for working and student interpreters.
By the end of this book discussion, you will be able to...
Deconstruct negative self-talk and its neural causes,
Identify positive self-talk and its neural path,
Judge the side effects of your inner voice, and
Reflect on your inner voice and the changes you want to make.
CEUs & Time Commitment
Amy Kroll is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for continuing education activities. This Professional Studies (PS) program is offered for 1.6 PS CEUs at the Little/None Content Knowledge Level.
You should plan on 10-15 hours of reading and reflection and 8.0 hours of group discussion (2 hours every two weeks).
Dates & Location
A welcome email with the reading schedule will be sent on September 20, 2024 (Friday).
Independent reading and reflection of assigned book chapters must be completed before the group meeting, which Is held every two weeks.
The group meetings are on Sundays from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM MST on:
September 29
October 13
October 27
November 10​
Discussion Fee: $100
A PayPal invoice for the discussion fee will be emailed to you once your spot in the discussion has been confirmed.
A $75 refund will be offered through the original payment source for cancellations made at least 24 hours prior to the first day of the book discussion (September 20, 2024). No refunds are offered after this 24 hour cut off.​
Obtain a copy of the book for the duration of the discussion. Check online retailers or libraries for the book.
Submit your registration form by September 18, 2024. Registration is limited to 7 participants.
Requests for reasonable accommodations can be made on the registration form.