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 Sandy Fritz


Sandy Fritz, CI/CT, has been interpreting since 2003. She has interpreted in varied settings including K-12 thru college education, community, Video Relay Service, staff interpreter in a manufacturing environment and for the deaf blind community. Deaf blind interpreting has her heart and she also had the role of SSP for several years.  She believes it is a privilege to be a part of opening up someone’s world. 


Sandy is also a FUN Art artist and spends much of her time teaching her students to open up to their creative side. Her motto is “ You are creative, you just don’t know it...yet”. 


Creative living is a way of life and she and her husband and their dog are full-time RVers who travel the United States in their home on wheels.  Their favorite place so far is the beaches of Port Aransas, Texas. 


The book discussions Sandy will offer will often have a human interest aspect. The topics will relate to the profession of interpreting, but also those soft skills necessary to be the best you can be.  She has participated is several of Amy’s book discussions and embraces this type of learning that encourages creative thinking. It’s a win win! 


 Shannon Townsend


Shannon Townsend, NIC, has worked as a K-12, VRS, and community interpreter with a focus on mental health & college.  

Shannon enjoys reading, scrapbooking, and Netflix. She currently works as an executive coach, supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses expand their businesses through more effective management, communication, and a clearer vision.


Shannon continues to support the interpreting profession by providing and facilitating workshops.

Shannon co-facilitates That Was Awkward: Exploring the Impact of Prescriptive Strategies

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